Monday, September 17, 2012

Love to Serve

September 17th, 2012

Well, I live in a house full of bloggers so I figure I might as well attempt to write a blog. If you like it, then that is great, and if you don’t, well that is okay too :) Here I go…
Today, a very good friend of mine asked me a question. She asked me, “Why do you love to serve? And you do it with such a positive attitude. How do you keep that positive attitude even when times are not going the way you want them to?” I feel like that is a very important question every missionary should ask himself or herself.

Why do I love to serve? At first I was at a loss for words. I honestly feel like I am just doing what God has commanded of me. In this moment, God wants me here, in Haiti, serving the people of Neply, especially children with special needs. To show Neply that we should love on our kids, even the kids that have special needs. If you are unaware of how people with special needs are viewed here in Haiti (for the most part), I can assure you that it is a very different view from the United States. I am not saying that the United States, however, has it all right and that every single person views someone with special needs as someone with worth. But the United States has come a long way and for the most part do their best to make sure every child and adult has an opportunity to use their gifts in positive ways. Anyway, back to Haiti’s views…Most people in this country see someone with special needs and do not see them as having a purpose. Children laugh at the kids that have special needs and call them crazy. Some people look at me and think I am kind of crazy myself for trying to teach the children who are “different” from other children. It breaks my heart to see this disbelief some people have. But I also see it as a challenge.

I feel as though God is challenging me BIG time right now. I am fresh out of college with an elementary education and learning & behavior disorder degree. I have never run a class on my own before. I have never helped start a special education program. I have never been in a situation where I don’t know the language of the children I am teaching. But the cool thing is… I get to start my teaching career in Neply, Haiti where I teach children with moderate to severe disabilities that are some of the smartest and most creative children I have ever met. And, I am running my own classroom and helping design the future for special education here at myLIFEspeaks. I am teaching with love and patience to my children because I cannot always speak their language.  AND God has presented us with an awesome teacher, Judith, who works along side of me as my Creole half and will then take over the classes when my time is up here in December.

Judith and Malachi

Sometimes I go into my day a little frazzled and I feel as if I am running around like a chicken with its head cut off as I go up and down, up and down the stairs to get the kids to school. But, when Judith and I begin teaching, God’s presence is noticeable and He begins to ease my worries for that day. I see God working through Judith and me as we teach our remarkable students. If all I can give our children that day is a kiss on the forehead and to tell them, “Mwen renmen ou,” which is “I love you” in Creole, I know that I am serving my purpose that day.

I not only want to teach our children colors, letters and numbers, but I want to teach them that they have worth and that they are loved not only by me but by their Heavenly Father. I am so thankful that I get that opportunity every day. Our children here are smart, adorable and worthy of our love and I want to SPEAK UP for them whenever they are not feeling that way. That is my job and my purpose to serve them at this moment in time.

As for me being positive, that is just kind of the way I was wired. I am not a confrontational kind of person and I can be very quiet when it comes to disagreements (which isn’t always a good thing). When something goes wrong throughout my day I just try to take it one minute at a time and be as patient as I possibly can be. Some things just are not worth the fuss. However, I do have my moments when it feels like the whole day has gone wrong and nothing is going, as it should. I guess I just don’t show it as well when I am frustrated. I mean what good does that do me? It does not help my children for me to teach them all frustrated and grumpy. When I get thoughts in my head of being stressed, run down, and needing a break, that is Satan telling me that I feel that way. He wants me to feel as if I can’t make it. But, I then need to remind myself that I am not alone and I am doing what God has asked of me. As long as I am doing His will, then nothing can tear me down. God is on my side, what is there to be upset or scared about?

So, if I am picking up a child to love on them, smiling at a neighbor to say bonjou, or teaching a child with disabilities the color green I am serving in the best way I know possible. Through LOVE. One should always serve through love. If you are serving for any other purpose other than God, then you have lost what it truly means to be a servant. I pray that I never lose sight of this and serve without expecting anything in return, or to receive any kind of praise, and that instead of others seeing me, that they may see God. I am just an ordinary person, living in Haiti, doing what I was told by my Heavenly Father in the best way I know how.

I ask that you please pray for me as well. Pray that I don’t lose sight of what is important and what my purpose is here. That I always serve the people here with love and understanding. And I ask that you pray for my students. That their hearts and minds continue to grow. I am beginning to teach our children from the village this week! Wish me luck!

Well, that was my first blog ever. Who knows when I will write another one? Please excuse this blog of any grammatical errors or funky writing. English has never been my greatest subject. Thanks a bunch and love you lots :)

Oh and, I would like to leave you with this prayer that comes to mind after writing this blog:

Lord make me an instrument of your peace:
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness, joy.

Lord, may I not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
To be understood as to understand;
To be loved as to love.
Because it is in giving that we receive,
In pardoning that we are pardoned,
And in dying that we are born to eternal life.